Emma Johnson Emma Johnson

The mission

Nestbedz, ready for adventures

Having researched pet travel beds it was time to really drill down what would make Nestbedz different from the rest.

So, what sets us apart?

Super Lightweight

The beds needed to be light enough to carry all day so there was extensive research on getting the right fabrics and the right supplier. We are using a fabric similar to hot air balloons and parachutes so it is light and tough.


The bed needs to be able to stuff down in to a bag so it can fit into any packpack or bikepack. It comes with it’s own bag attached to the bed.


No bed can withstand chewing but we needed a bed which would deal with being clawed, nested and handled. A bed ready for the elements.


We have used a softer fabric inside to make it more comfortable for the pet and chosen a wadding weight which is packable but comfortable for the pet.


The bed is ideal for adventures, we know we are not always blessed with good weather so the beds need to be washable.

We are unique and perfect for days on the trails, trips to the pub/cafe and camping!

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Emma Johnson Emma Johnson

The story so far…

Launching Nestbedz…

For over a decade I have struggled to settle Zulu in a cafe or restaurant without sacrificing my jacket, sitting her on my lap or dragging in a huge bed (towels and blankets are not enough for Zulu!)

It seems I am not the only one…

Many dogs, especially if they have a short coat struggle to settle on a hard floor. Others just need to have a place to settle. Toy breeds can get away with sitting on your lap, but I’ve tried eating dinner with Zulu on my lap and it’s not pretty!

After many ‘testing’ cafe trips and a few jackets sacrificed I decided something had to be done and Nestbedz was launched.

Inspired by a night wild camping I based my design on a super lightweight, tough, packable sleeping bag.

I researched the fabrics, chatted to someone locally who I knew was great with a sewing machine (Nienke, Vanderas) and got the first few made.

A bit of market research proved there is a place in the market for the product and Nestbedz was launched…🎉

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