Help to settle your dog in a pub/cafe

There’s no better reward at the end of a long dog walk than stopping at the pub, but for many dogs, the hustle and bustle of a busy, food-filled environment and a hard floor can make it hard for them to relax. A restless dog can quickly turn what should be a relaxing break into a stressful experience, as owners struggle to keep them calm instead of enjoying that well-deserved pint. But with some preparation and a few handy tools, including a comfortable spot for a Nestbedz bed, you can teach your dog to settle, no matter how tempting the environment. Here’s how to help your dog relax at the pub.

Start Training at Home

Just like teaching your dog to sit or stay, learning to settle in a pub setting requires training. Start at home, getting them used to lying quietly at your feet. Attach their lead and ask them to lie down while you sit at a table, rewarding calm behaviour with treats. Gradually extend the time between rewards until they learn that staying quiet and still earns them treats, even if they’re not paying full attention to you.

Once your dog is comfortable doing this at home, take the training on the road. Choose a quiet café or pub, so you can keep an eye on your dog while reinforcing the behaviour.

Choose a Quiet Spot

When you’re ready to visit a pub, ease your dog into the environment by sitting in a quiet corner or an uncrowded beer garden. This allows your dog to adjust without feeling overwhelmed by noise and foot traffic. Sitting out of the way also prevents your dog from being a tripping hazard for servers and other patrons.

Make Them Comfortable

Dogs, especially those without much natural padding, can find lying on hard floors uncomfortable. To help your dog settle more easily, bring along a Nestbedz travel bed. The soft cushioning not only provides a cozy, warm spot but also creates a familiar environment for your dog. If they’re already trained to settle on the mat at home, they’ll recognize it as a signal to relax when you lay it out at the pub.

Keep Them Engaged

Once your dog is lying calmly, keep them occupied to encourage them to stay relaxed. A toy stuffed with a frozen treat such peanut butter works well, or a long-lasting chew. These activities are soothing for dogs and will help them stay settled while you enjoy your meal.

By incorporating products like Nestbedz into your routine, you'll have a calmer, more comfortable dog, allowing both of you to enjoy pub outings stress-free.


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