Facts about the Vizsla ❤️

With our founder and inspiration behind Nestbedz being a vizsla we have enjoyed finding some fun facts about vizslas…

Fact 1 :

The vizsla is also known as Hungarian pointer has an ancient history. The first written reference to the Vizsla dog breed has been recorded in the Illustrated Vienna Chronicle prepared on order of King Louis I of Hungary by the Carmelite Friars in 1357.

Fact 2 :

They have an ancient history and were the dog of the Magyar Barbarian tribes that invaded central Europe during the Dark Ages. Early 10th century etchings show a Magyar warrior and a dog resembling a vizsla.

Fact 3 :

The breed nearly became extinct after World War I but in 1945 during World War II, when a number of Hungarians fled the Russian occupation with their vizslas. It is believed that the breed went down to only about a dozen Vizslas of the true type still alive.

Fact 4 :

The breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1960.

Fact 5 :

The Vizsla breed typically lives for between 10-15 years.

Fact 6 :

Approximately 4.5k Vizsla puppies are registered with the Kennel Club of Great Britain (KC) each year.

Fact 7 :

The winner of the Best In Show award at Crufts 2010 was a Vizsla named Hungargunn Bear It'n Mind.

Fact 8 :

Vizslas are referred to as "velcro" dogs because of their loyalty and affection.

Fact 9 :

UK's Kennel Club breed standard permits both a docked tail or a natural tail; this accommodates laws in England & Wales and in Scotland which outlaw docking for cosmetic reasons but exempt docking in newborn working dogs.

Fact 10 :

Vizslas will cry or whine when they feel neglected or are otherwise unhappy. This has been the inspiration behind Nestbedz and Zulu would cry/whine when she had to sit on a hard floor in a pub or cafe. The Nestbedz bed has been a game changer!

We recommend a medium bed for smaller vizslas if they like to ‘curl up’ and nest or a large bed for those who need a bit more space.

Buy your Nestbedz bed here


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